Juureökoloogia töörühm

Biplabi Bhattarai



I am Biplabi Bhattarai from Nepal. Currently, I am a PhD. student for the FutureArctic ITN at University of Tartu. My work focuses on the functional adaptations of root-rhizobiome along geothermal soil warming gradient in subarctic grassland. My particular interest is to explore the interaction mechanisms in the belowground through the assessment of biomass dynamics, chemistry, C and N pools and phenology of belowground plant organs. My work ranges from rigorous sampling in the Icelandic mountains to using analytical chemistry techniques in the lab to image processing on the computer. As ecosystem studies cannot be achieved in isolation, I hope to accomplish my study with synergic interactions between other PhD students involved in this project and combining expertise from various scientific groups. And together, we want to answer the question –“How much carbon will escape from the subarctic in the future climate”.

More information here.


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